A Guide to Covering

Long Term Care

A Guide to Covering Long Term Care

Posted by Morgan Fisher

Serving Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Surrounding Areas.

A Guide to Covering Long-Term Care Expenses

Retirement is a time to relax, explore new hobbies, and enjoy the fruits of your lifelong labor. However, it’s essential to plan for the unexpected, including the possibility of needing long-term care as you age. The cost of long-term care can be substantial, and failing to address this expense can jeopardize your financial security. Today, we’ll delve into a variety of effective strategies to help you cover long-term care expenses and ensure a worry-free retirement. Click here to checkout the blog where we discuss the actual cost of long-term care.

Understand the Importance of Long-Term Care Insurance:

Long-term care insurance is an essential tool to protect your assets and provide financial assistance for extended care needs. It covers a range of services such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and in-home care. Start researching LTC insurance policies early, comparing features, coverage options, and premiums. Consider factors like inflation protection, elimination periods, and benefit durations. The younger and healthier you are when you purchase a policy, the lower the premiums will likely be.

Explore Hybrid Life Insurance and Long-Term Care Policies:

Hybrid policies combine long-term care coverage with life insurance benefits. They offer a dual benefit by providing LTC protection if needed, and if not utilized, a death benefit for your beneficiaries. Hybrid policies can be an attractive option if you’re concerned about the “use it or lose it” nature of traditional long-term care insurance.couple trying to figure out LTC

Build a Solid Retirement Portfolio:

An adequately diversified and well-managed retirement portfolio can help offset LTC expenses. Work with a financial advisor to develop a strategy that considers your risk tolerance, time horizon, and projected retirement income needs. Consider allocating a portion of your portfolio to investments that offer potential growth and income, which can help fund future LTC expenses.

Utilize Annuities with Long-Term Care Riders:

Annuities with long-term care riders can be an effective solution for individuals who are concerned about both retirement income and potential LTC costs. These annuities offer the opportunity for income growth while providing the option to access a portion of the annuity’s value to cover LTC expenses if necessary. Consult with a financial professional at Iowa Retirement Benefits & Solutions to determine if this option aligns with your retirement goals.

Government Assistance Programs:

Government programs like Medicaid may provide financial support for long-term care expenses. However, eligibility criteria are strict, and it’s important to plan well in advance to ensure you meet the requirements. Understanding the rules and regulations associated with government assistance programs can help you make informed decisions and potentially protect more of your assets.

Consider Self-Funding:

Self-funding involves setting aside a dedicated fund for LTC expenses. This strategy requires disciplined saving and diligent financial planning. Review your current budget and determine how much you can allocate towards a LTC fund. The earlier you start saving, the more time your funds will have to grow, potentially reducing the overall amount needed in retirement.

Key Takeaways-

Do your research, meet with a professional. Preparing for long-term care expenses is a vital aspect of retirement planning. By exploring options such as LTC insurance, hybrid policies, retirement portfolio diversification, annuities, government assistance programs, and self-funding, you can proactively safeguard your financial well-being. Remember to seek advice from a qualified financial professional who can tailor these strategies to your specific needs and goals. With careful planning, you can enjoy a secure and worry-free retirement, knowing that your long-term care expenses are adequately covered.

Written by: Morgan Fisher

Investment advisory services are offered through Fusion Capital Management, an SEC registered investment advisor. The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. SEC registration is not an endorsement of the firm by the commission and does not mean that the advisor has attained a specific level of skill or ability. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.


  • Morgan Fisher

    Financial Professional & Senior Marketing Representative Born and raised in Riverside Iowa, Morgan graduated with a master’s degree from Ball State University before making a career change to the financial services industry in 2020. Now, residing in Marion, she enjoys watching Iowa athletics, traveling, cooking, and catching up on the latest podcast.

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