Should You Roll Your 401k 

When You Retire?

The Crucial Role of Financial Representatives in Retirement

Posted by Morgan Fisher

Serving Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Surrounding Areas.

Should You Roll Over Your 401k When You Retire?

You’ve diligently saved for retirement, and now you stand at a crossroads, ready to embark on the next phase of your financial journey. Even as you transition from your workplace, you still have the option to maintain your retirement savings with your employer. However, the decision whether to stay or roll over your funds into an individual retirement account (IRA) demands careful consideration, weighing the advantages and drawbacks of each option.

Before making this pivotal choice, it’s crucial to delve into the following aspects to ensure an informed decision:

Understanding Fees and Features

Fees play a pivotal role in your investment strategy, but beyond that, take note of any special services or investment opportunities provided. Your workplace retirement plan might offer advantageous pricing due to its collective nature, potentially resulting in higher fees if you opt to exit the plan. Conversely, outside your plan, you may find a wider array of investment options and specialized services. Scrutinize both the annual and one-time charges associated with your workplace plan and IRA to make a well-informed comparison.

Understand the Standards Relevant to Your Account

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Most workplace retirement plan sponsors are bound by fiduciary responsibilities, prioritizing your best interests in investment selection and monitoring. This oversight can provide reassurance regarding fees, performance, and suitability. Conversely, while opting for an investment advisor to manage your IRA may offer personalized attention, their standards of conduct might differ if they are not considered fiduciaries. Ensure clarity on how any advisor safeguards your interests.

Consider Retirement Income Features

Explore the post-retirement benefits offered by your workplace plan, such as flexible distribution options or retirement calculators aiding in expenditure planning. Conversely, IRAs may grant greater control over withdrawal timing and methods, along with access to additional retirement distribution products. Be mindful of regulations dictating withdrawal eligibility; for instance, 401k withdrawals post-age 55 may be penalty-free, whereas IRA withdrawals generally require reaching age 59½.

Consider Consolidation for Simplified Management

Consolidating retirement plans can simplify investment oversight, particularly if you don’t require access to specific investments or services. Consider merging any previous retirement accounts with your current employer, facilitating better monitoring and adjustment of investments aligned with your goals.

Ultimately, the path to retirement demands careful navigation, tailored to your unique circumstances and aspirations. Reach out to your employer or recordkeeper for comprehensive plan details and pose similar inquiries to your financial representative. By weighing the intricacies of each option, you can pave the way towards a secure and fulfilling retirement journey.

Key Takeaways:

Navigating retirement choices involves careful consideration of fees, services, standards of conduct, retirement income features, consolidation options, and finding the correct financial representative for you. By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your retirement goals and financial security.

Investment advisory services are offered through Fusion Capital Management, an SEC registered investment advisor. The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. SEC registration is not an endorsement of the firm by the commission and does not mean that the advisor has attained a specific level of skill or ability. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.


  • Morgan Fisher

    Financial Professional & Senior Marketing Representative Born and raised in Riverside Iowa, Morgan graduated with a master’s degree from Ball State University before making a career change to the financial services industry in 2020. Now, residing in Marion, she enjoys watching Iowa athletics, traveling, cooking, and catching up on the latest podcast.

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